Wednesday, June 17, 2009

tag by ezy~

1. take your bag, be it hand bag, man bag, sling bag or any other bags that you put your stuff in
2. take everything out and put it nicely around the bag
3. describe the items found in your bag
4. let the readers judge
5. see whether their prejudgments about your personality are correct or not

n0 1 & 2. aku da amek gmbr beg aku tp xbwk usb hp yg nk ditransfer ke lappy ni~bluet0oth pun xfuncti0n..huhu..s0 tiade gmbr wat ms ni~s0ri ezy..

n0 3.
*hand bag~semb0nia kaler itam, my m0m yg bg..
*hp~N78 n 1 lg hp, xigt n0kia dad n m0m yg bg..
*unifying and balancing 2 way p0wder f0undati0n~l0real..
*juicy fruity n silky lips~silky girl..
*purse~gi0 fi0re kaler itam..
*mp3~s0ny kaler biru, my abang yg bg ;)..
*bekas br00ch(kdg2 xletak dlm beg pun,t'lupe..;)
*0ne dr0p perfume~letak 1,2 b0t0l je dlm handbeg..yg laen pun my m0m yg bg..
*kaen lap spek levis kaler kelabu..

2 je yg de dlm beg aku..sekian, terima kasih..;)

n0 4 &5. k0rang xdptla nk jgde aku~gmbrnyer xde~tp nt insyaALLAH, blk dr s.alam nnti aku upl0ad kt entry ni..=)

aku nk tag :
  • cik ateen
  • ilya sabeela
  • saiyidah aisyah
  • kakak techic
n semua girl yg aku link, b0le?;)

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