Thursday, May 7, 2009

i'm s0 happy:)~

to the 0ne that keeps me happy.....

i'm s0 happy when i start my day..
i'm s0 happy when you bec0me parts 0f my life..
i'm s0 happy when you accompany me always..
i'm s0 happy when you cares for me..
i'm s0 happy when i take your call..
i'm s0 happy when i hear your v0ice..
i'm s0 happy when you ask me 0ut..
i'm s0 happy when i'm talking t0 y0u..
i'm s0 happy when i can make y0u laugh..
i'm s0 happy when i thinking 0f y0u..
i'm s0 happy when i see y0u smile..

t0tally..i'm s0 happy when i'm with y0u.. :)

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