After midnight I shall kidnap you from the world
And I'll keep you in my room
Hush now my love and hold my hand
After midnight I shall take you to a place
Where no one else should know of
Hush now my love and hold my hand
You are exactly where you supposed to be
And if they come for you
They would have to find me
Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only
After midnight
I shall stay awake
And if you chose to close your eyes now
Hush now my love
I'll watch you sleep
And I'll keep you in my room
Hush now my love and hold my hand
After midnight I shall take you to a place
Where no one else should know of
Hush now my love and hold my hand
You are exactly where you supposed to be
And if they come for you
They would have to find me
Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only
After midnight
I shall stay awake
And if you chose to close your eyes now
Hush now my love
I'll watch you sleep

Only Yours!
Dear God,
aku tak mahu disakiti lagi.
Cukup dengan apa yang telah aku alami selami ini.
Kau telah ketemukan aku dengannya.
Moga hari-hari bahagia terus terpancar
aku tidak mahu jatuh lagi
kurniakan dia untukku
sempurnakan hidup kami
..NiSa : thanks 2 for lyrics..
lagu ni saya guna untuk bunyi msg saya! :DD
best lah yuna ni.
owh kan lagu ni..;)
yup..yuna is da best..=)
yuna rocks...
minat giler dong..
acap sampai kan bersiul2 lagu ni ketika berak..
haha..ish3x..bt0l eh cmtu di0n?;p kamu mmg peminat yuna yg tegar acap!;)
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